Jonas Studer
About himself:
„Hi, my name is Jonas and I love to visit magnificent places, immerse myself in different cultures and return home with an empty wallet but a rich heart and a backpack full of memories and impressions. Travelling to remote places has also meant having to adapt and become a part of new families, friendships and cultures. All these perpetually created experiences and memories influence my work. Fascinated by the Tout-Monde idea of Éduard Glissant, whose poetry of multiplicity stands for a human identity that is not defined by ethnicity but by the diversity of relationships. My current research lies within the thought of how cultures from different parts of the world meet, overlap realities and rhizomatically merge into each other, until finally something absolutely unforeseeable and unexpected arises – a new reality.
I create parallel realities with my analogue photography experiments as well as with painting or video. In my artistic practice, the boundaries between the real and the imaginary, artistic practice and religious schemings also dissolve.
I truly believe that everything you do with joy and love will help create a peaceful environment. My aim is to carry these thoughts of happiness as far around the world as possible.“